What you'll read in this post:
These challenges are the main focus in the new Hardcore Mode, formerly introduced as Onslaught Mode.
Piece by piece, Ubisoft is releasing more information about The Settlers: New Allies. In yesterdays news article, they elaborated a bit ore on this new game mode and what it means.
What is Hardcore Mode
In missions played in Hardcore Mode, you can test how good you really are and are presented with challenges that you'd usually not run into. Think things like
- waves of enemies showing up on your doorstep every x amount of time;
- specific buildings aren't available in the game, or restricted to certain conditions;
- resource deposit changing content;
- starting a new game but the enemy already has an economy set up;
- buildings being disabled or sabotaged at random intervals;
Each Hardcore Mode game has different modifiers, which you will know before starting the mission.
Weekly rotation
Each week, at the start of the week, 3 challenges of different difficulties will be introduced to the players. You can either play them alone or join forces with other players.
The difficulty levels also indicate the map size: a challenge with 3 star difficulty will be played on a 4v4 map, while the easiest one will just be a 1v1 map. Playing with other players will obviously only be available on the 2 star and 3 star difficulty settings (2v2 and 4v4 map).
So, why play Hardcore Mode missions in The Settlers: New Allies?
Well, two reasons.
Firstly, they're a challenge. And we like a challenge, right?
These Hardcore missions will force you to change your play style. Have you think about different strategies. You might have to resort to focussing on an aspect of the game you usually ignore. All fun things in their own respect.
The second reason is the actual reward. Completing missions will earn you Relic Shards (the ingame currency) and experience. And "other goodies", according to the News Update...