Like so many of us, I started playing games when I was a kid. The thing is, I don't just play the game, I want to know about it. I don't even care about winning too much, as long as I know the strategy, the theory behind it. The options I have, the choices I can make.
In the last couple of years, I started posting these theoretical breakdowns online. It started with Anno.City when Anno 1800 was released and I got to participate in the beta program. That was a blast!
I wanted to know everything there was to know. Production chains, cycles, best layouts, everything. I noticed friends and family who also played the game came to me with their questions after the game was officially released.
That led to the start of Anno.city. Because if these people ask me, other players surely have the same questions?
100.000 page visits in, I realised I was on to something. I tried my hand at 2 other sites for Jurassic Park Evolution 2 and Settlers: New Allies. Both never got far due to a lack of time or interest. Manor Lords and SteamWorld Build followed, which both attracted quite a bit of traffic.
I wanted more. More games to write content about, more strategies to dig into, more theory to learn. But I didn't want to have to build a new website for every game and just post a few articles before moving on to the next game. I wanted to be able to just post 1 or 2 items on a specific game if I wanted to.
This is when the idea for GameTheory.City was born. If I'd have a single website for all games, I could just post whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted!
So that's what happened. I built this website and started porting content from jurassic.city, settlers.city, steamworld.build and manorlords.city to gametheory.city. Once that was done, I started adding content on other games too, like Nomori, Citadelum and Killer Sudoku puzzles.
Anno.city will remain a separate website for now. I've spent too much time on that. It's what started it all and it feels a little like my baby. I don't want it to grow up just yet. Who knows though, in the future I might pull that one in too.