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Mark your calendars folks! Ubisoft has announced a new release date for The Settlers: New Allies

The game is now scheduled to delete on February 17th 2023

New Name

Initially, the game was just supposed to be called "The Settlers". With Ubisofts announcement yesterday, the game is now confirmed to have been given a new name.

The Settlers: New Allies

Just like all the other Settlers games before it, The Settlers: New Allies will combine immersive city building with strategic real-time battles. So even though the name might be new, the gameplay won't!

New Release Date

A lot of time has passed since the closed beta took place in January this year. It had to, as the the feedback Ubisoft received on the (then) current state of the game, was disappointing to say the least. 

The initial release date of March 17th 2022 was quickly postponed. There was no way Ubisoft would release that Closed Beta version to the public. And they didn't!

Armed with over a thousand topics on the Closed Beta forum, developers sat down to improve basically every aspect of the gameplay. Over the course of the last 10 months, more technical tests and gameplay refinement sessions were organised and feedback was implemented.

I'm sure all persons involved will raise a well deserved glass of champagne on February 17th next year, when The Settlers: New Allies will finally be released!

New Streams!

To celebrate the new game and its planned release date, the people at Ubisoft will start streaming The Settlers: New Allies on Twitch.

The streams will touch on a series of subjects like the different game modes and the Settlers lore.

Their first stream will be at December 1st. It will start at 10AM (ET)/4PM (CET) and you can watch it at The subject will be Skirmish mode.