In this article
From the three playable races in StarCraft: Remastered, the Terran hit closest to home. They are essentially the human race.
Introduction to Terran
In StarCraft, Terrans are a species akin to the Human race as we know them. Even though the game is set in the 26th century, Terrans are not as technically advanced as the Protoss race, but more so than the insectoid Zerg.
The Terrans in StarCraft Remastered are known for their versatility and defensive capabilities. Terrans are adaptable. For instance, Terran structures have the unique ability to lift off and relocate, offering strategic flexibility in base positioning and expansion.
Defensively, Terrans excel with tools like Bunkers, Missile Turrets, and Siege Tanks, which provide a strong hold against enemy attacks. The Siege Tank is particularly good in defending your bases with its long-range firepower.
Other units, like as Marines and Medics, are a cost-effective way of attacking and harassing the enemy. On the more expensive side of the roster, there are options like Battlecruisers and Science Vessels.
In short, the Terran race is able to both have a strong defence as well as mount aggressive attacks. With the familiarity of being human, they're a great race for any starting player to begin.
Early-Game Terran strategies
To play the Terran race successfully in StarCraft: Remastered, a few key strategies are important to keep in mind.
SCV worker management
You need more SCVs. Like, always. Have 50 minerals? Build an SCV. Have another 50? Build another SCV.
SCVs (Space Construction Vehicles) are the backbone of the Terran economy, responsible for harvesting minerals and gas. By constantly producing SCVs, you maximize the rate at which you gather minerals and vespene gas.
Aim for around 16 SCVs on minerals and 3 on each gas per base for optimal resource gathering.
Be sure to compensate for lost SCVs when they're hit by enemies. Once you hit the 16/3 mark, expand to a new base and start over there.
Build order
When starting a new game of StarCraft, you always focus on SCVs. After that, the steps are:
- Build Supply Depot at 8 SCVs.
- Barracks at 11 SCVs.
- Refinery at 12 SCVs.
From here, there are 2 main build orders which are used when playing the Terran Race in StarCraft: Remastered. One is known as the Barracks first, the other one as 1-1-1 Build.
In the Barracks First strategy, you are now able to produce Marines early. This allows you to fend off Zergling rushes and early Zealot pressure or even apply early pressure if you feel adventureous.
The 1-1-1 Build order forgoes heavy barracks production, instead continuing with other production buildings:
- Factory as soon as the Barracks completes.
- Starport after the Factory
This strategy enables early Siege Tank support and offers Vultures with Spider Mines.
The Barracks First strategy is ideal when you are expecting early aggression or want to apply pressure. Or just when you want to be able to defend yourself from the get-go, which isn't a bad thing to want at all.
Choosing the 1-1-1 Build order doesn't hurt when you want versatility and don't expect early enemy aggression. It allows you to adapt quickly to scouting information as you have multiple unit build options.
Scout early
Knowing what the enemy is up to (or even, what race the enemy is playing) is essential to have a shot at victory in StarCraft. You can adapt your strategy accordingly.
If the enemy is Zerg, you can expect a quick Zergling rush. It should persuade you to build up you defence fast with bunkers and Firebats.
When playing against Protoss, be sure to build a few Missile turrets as soon as you can. Their advanced technology allows them to have cloaked units early on, for which the Missile Turrets act as detectors.
Knowing the enemy is of the Terran race too might actually be the hardest. While not necessarily be the best race out of the three, they can be very diverse in the way they are played. This makes it hard to guess what they're up to.
There are 3 ways to scout:
- Using SCVs: Send an early SCV to the opponent’s base after building your first Supply Depot or Barracks. It will take away resource gathering capacity, but knowledge of the enemy is worth more.
- Marines: Marines are fairly cheap to build and can scout while applying a little pressure when sent in a small group.
- Comsat Scan: Once you have an Orbital Command, use scans to gather information without having to sacrifice units.
Mid and late-game strategies
Once you've got your initial economy set up, maybe you founded a second base and defence is taken care of, it's time to start the attack.
You can take a mainly bio-oriented route with Marines, Medics and some Siege Tanks. Using these units will make you highly mobile and you're perfectly equipped for constant harassment of the enemy.
On the other hand, you can focus more on the Terran tech units like Goliaths and Vultures. They can be great defenders, especially paired with deployed Siege Tanks. But don't worry, playing them in the correct positions can make them overrun any enemy base.
And let's not forget the true hero of Terran aerial warfare: the infamous Battlecruiser. Slow but steady wins the race...
Map Control with Siege Tanks
The Terran Siege Tanks are truly masters of destruction. With there long range and high damage in siege mode, they can be very effective in controlling parts of the map.
You can hold chokepoints or cover expansions by positioning Siege Tanks at narrow passages or ramps to deny enemy advances. Especially against Zergling, Hydralisk or Zealot rushes, a few strategically placed tanks can cause absolute mayhem.
Leapfrogging Siege Tanks
When advancing across the map, make sure to leapfrog your Siege Tanks.
To do so, deploy a few tanks at a specific place on the map. Next, drive a few tanks past that position, deploying them forward of the original deployment location.
Then, pull the first batch out of siege mode, drive them past the new forward position and deploy them.
This way, your moving tanks are always covered by their comrades in siege mode.
Anti Air Support
Siege Tanks have one single weakness: they can't target airborne units.
This is why if you rely on Siege tanks for your defence (or leapfrogging offence) you will always need to support them with units that can target air units.
Support Siege Tanks with the Terran Marines or Goliaths. Both are excellent destroyers of air units.
Of course, Missile Turrets can serve two purposes here: to attack flying units AND to providing detection for hidden units.
You should also build Bunkers, in range of Siege Tanks, at strategic locations to hold key positions.
What not to do
Playing the Terran race is probably the easiest way to get into StarCraft: Remastered (or StarCraft II for that matter). Still, there are a few ways to make sure you lose every game.
Not enough SCVs
As described in the Early-Game Terran strategies, having a stable economy with enough SCVs is paramount for any game. This is not just the case for the Terrans, but as much for Protoss and Zerg.
Not building enough SCVs is therefor a recipe for disaster. If you can't keep up with producing units to defend your base or bases, you can never expect to build up an army large enough to defeat the enemy.
Be sure to compensate for lost SCVs when they're hit by enemies. And just keep building them.
Poor unit placement
Siege Tanks can definitely be the backbone of your entire strategy. They are powerhouses and can be incredibly useful in both defending as well as attacking.
But, if you place them too close to each other, or place them without any anti air support, they can't help you any more. Trust me, I've lost plenty of games because a Zergling rush was preceded by a couple of flying Mutalisks...
So be sure to spread them out, so they can cover more ground. And place Missile Turrets or Marine-staffed Bunkers around them.
Forget to upgrade
The Engineering Post, Academy and Armoury are essential in your Terran victory. These buildings offer upgrades you really need to invest in. Upgrades might seem expensive at first, but they enhance performance and efficiency of your army.
Marines with increased damage and armour, especially when in a Bunker or covered by a Medic, are much more resilient against Zerg swarms or Protoss units.
Siege tanks are already devastating. Imagine them with improved attack and better armour.