In this article
Wheat is probably the most used and produced resource in Citadelum. Not only does it serve as a source of food itself, it is also the basic ingredient for bread at the bakery and is used as food for animals.
It is no wonder that a wheat field is amongst the first buildings you will build.
Wheat production
Wheat is produced at a wheat field. This is the only food source building available from Prestige Level 1.
A wheat farm can have 4 workers. The production of a wheat field is 120 wheat per worker per day. A fully staffed wheat field will produce 480 wheat.
That sounds a lot, but is it enough for all the buildings who consume it?
Want to skip the theory? Use this sheet to fill in the amount of Plebeians' and Patricians' houses you have to calculate the amount of wheat you will need to produce!
Wheat consumption
As said, wheat serves 2 purposes: as a food source for Plebeians and as a input resource for other food production buildings.
Wheat consumption by Plebeians
Wheat is the first food source Plebeians want when moving in to your city. It is the only consumption requirement they have at level 1.
Every Plebeians' house consumes 15 wheat per day. That means for every 8 Plebeian houses, you will need 1 wheat farm worker producing 120 wheat.
Consumption by Plebeians and Patricians is calculated per house, not per citizen. It does not matter whether 30 Plebeians live in a single house or just 1, the consumption remains the same.
At higher levels, Plebeians also consume other food resources which require wheat as an input source. Those are:
- 5 Bread
- 15 Eggs
- 15 Milk
- 5 Pork steak
Patricians won't require wheat at any level. They do however need the same resources as the Plebeians at higher level. Patrician consumption for those resources is:
- 10 Bread
- 10 Eggs
- 10 Milk
- 10 Pork steaks
Wheat consumption by production buildings
There are 4 other food production buildings which require wheat as an input resource. They are the bakery, chicken farm, cow farm and pig farm.
- The bakery requires 15 wheat per worker per day
- The chicken farm requires 18.5 wheat per worker per day
- The cow farm requires 18.5 wheat per worker per day
- The pig farm requires 18 wheat per worker per day
The consumption of these buildings isn't really high. It means that every wheat farm worker can supply either:
- 8 bakery workers (2 bakeries, max staff); or
- 6 animal farm workers (2 farms, 3 workers each)
A fully staffed wheat field can supply 8 bakeries with 32 bakers, producing 640 bread per day. This is enough to provide 64 Patricians' or 128 Plebeians' houses with bread. Unless you're building a huge city, this seems like an overkill.
How much wheat do you need?
The answer to the question How much wheat do you need? is not an easy one to answer. This completely depends on the amount of citizens you have.
Hypothetically, lets base the population on the maximum Prestige Level. This means 300 Plebeians and 160 Patricians.
For that, you will need 9 Plebeians' houses. 35 Beds per house at level 6 provide enough room for 315 Plebeians.
You will also need 6 Patricians' houses. 30 Beds per house at level 6 provide enough room for 180 Plebeians.
At level 6, the total consumption will be:
Food product | Plebeians | Patricians | Total consumption |
Wheat | 9 * 15 = 135 | 0 | 135 |
Bread | 9 * 5 = 45 | 6 * 10 = 60 | 105 |
Eggs | 9 * 15 = 135 | 6 * 10 = 60 | 195 |
Milk | 9 * 15 = 135 | 6 * 10 = 60 | 195 |
Pork steaks | 9 * 5 = 45 | 6 * 10 = 60 | 105 |
To produce all these goods, wheat needs to be provided. For these numbers, this is the amount of wheat you need to produce.
Food product | Required | Production per worker | Required workers | Wheat input per worker | Total Wheat required |
Wheat | 135 | 135 | |||
Bread | 105 | 20 | 6 | 15 | 90 |
Eggs | 195 | 37 | 6 | 18.5 | 111 |
Milk | 195 | 37 | 6 | 18.5 | 111 |
Pork steaks | 105 | 20 | 6 | 9, See note | 54 |
Total | 501 |
To keep the production of wheat on par with the total wheat consumption in a city at Prestige Level 10, you will have to produce 501 wheat per day in total.
With a production rate of 120 wheat per worker per day, that means you will have to have 5 workers on wheat fields, which means 2 wheat fields are required to sustain this city food wise.
A note on butchers and their pork steaks
The pork steak production is a little tricky. Chicken and cow farms produce eggs and milk based on the wheat provided. Pig farms however produce pigs, which are then brought to the butchery to slaughter into pork steaks.
Every butcher produces 20 pork steaks per day. To do so, they need 5 pigs as input. To produce 105 pork steaks, we need 6 workers. They'll produce 120 steaks from 30 pigs.
Every pig farm produces 12 pigs per day. To do so, it needs 18 wheat as input. To produce 30 pigs, we need 3 workers. They'll produce 36 pigs, requiring 54 wheat as input.
So, the answer to the question How much wheat do you need? is It depends on the amount of houses.
For a city which is designed for Prestige Level 10, having 9 Plebeians' houses and 6 Patricians' houses, you need 501 wheat.
More houses means a higher consumption and a higher wheat requirement. If you don't want to do all the math yourself, you can use this sheet!