In this article

When planning out your city, it is good to know what kind of production you need to keep all your citizens happy. 

This is especially true in Citadelum. You can't just build an extra farm and expect the wheat to grow itself: you need plebeians to tend to the field!

If you don't have any unemployed citizens, you will need to build another house or wait until migration has brought in more Plebeians to work for you. 

And it's great to build another 5 Patricians' houses to rake in the taxes, but each house will mean another 20 cabbages and 20 melons consumed per day. Are you ready for that increase?

Consumption per house

The consumption of resources in Citadelum is calculated per house, per day. So in the tables below, you will see that a Plebeian house has a consumption of 15 wheat per day.

The housing level doesn't matter. It does not matter if this house is level 1, or the Plebeians live in a mansion with housing level 6. The consumption remains the same: 15 wheat per day.

The occupation doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter if the house is fully occupied. Whether you have 10, 20 or 30 Patricians living in your level 6 house, the consumption is still 15 clothing per day. 

So, without further ado: here are the numbers!


Refer to this table to see how much Plebeians consume of each resource in Citadelum.

Resource Consumption per day Housing level
Wheat 15 1
Carrot 15 2
Onion 15 2
Cabbage 15 3
Bread 5 3
Egg 15 4
Milk 15 4
Melon 15 5
Clothing 5 5
Pork steak 5 6
Furniture 5 6



Refer to this table to see how much Patricians consume of each resource in Citadelum.

Resource Consumption per day Housing level
Cabbage 20 1
Melon 20 1
Bread 10 2
Fish fillet 10 2
Egg 10 3
Milk 10 3
Pork steak 10 4
Grapes 20 4
Clothing 15 5
Wine 15 5
Furniture 10 6