Is the Electroshocker in Tower Defense Simulator (Roblox) worth it?

Wanting to solo a game of Fallen, I was persuaded to buy the Electroshocker tower. Was it a good investment though?
Posted 1 week ago. Filed under Information Roblox

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Earlier this week, I made an oopsie. Wanting to gain some rewards quickly, I bought the mission "Unyielding Shooter". 

For those unaware, the first objective is: "Triumph Fallen mode 2 times with minigunner tower placed down." 

Well, that's not too difficult, I thought to myself as I activated the mission. Until I realised my mistake and I've been beating the TDS Molten mode, not Fallen. Trust me: world of difference. 

Searching for playthroughs of Tower Defense Simulator Fallen mode, I came across one which used the electroshocker tower. Wanting to try this strategy, I bought the tower using TDS money.

Parental advisory: Don't worry, it doesn't cost any Robux, the Roblox currency bought with real money. Yes, TDS money can be bought with Robux, but it's gained for free by playing (and winning) games or by completing daily or weekly quests. 

Was it a worthwhile investment though? Let's find out!

Electroshocker stats

Lets start with the statistics of this zapping maniac. The in-game description reads: "Zap! Stun enemies and chain your effects!"

This is basically what the electroshocker does. It does damage, it stuns enemies and it chains those effects across multiple enemies. What more could you want? 

Level Cost Damage Firerate Targets DPS (total) Range Extra
0 725 3 0.85 2 3.53 (7.1) 7.5 Lead detection
1 300 3 0.75 2 4 (8) 9  
2 600 4 0.75 4 5.33 (21.33) 10 Flying detection
3 2000 8 0.75 4 10.67 (42.67) 12  
4 5000 50 2.5 6 20 (120) 14 Longer stun, increased chain range
5 15000 100 2.5 8 40 (320) 14 Longer stun, reduce defense

For the total cost of $23.625, you get a tower with 40 DPS without hidden detection but with stun ability. 

Side note on the DPS: Per shot, an electroshocker at level 5 does 100 damage. With a fire rate of 2.5 seconds per shot, the DPS is 40

As the electroshocker chains his attack targets across 8 zombies, the damage is multiplied by 8 and so it the DPS. So against a horde of zombies, the DPS shoots up to 320. But against a single target, the DPS is only 40. 

On Easy or Molten difficulty, both the lead detection and the flying detection are useless. For Fallen and Hardcore though, they come in handy.

The Good

Let's start with the good. The electroshocker tower in Tower Defense Simulator does have some very good points. 

High Damage

The electroshocker packs a punch. As you can see in the table above, the tower does 40 DPS to enemies, making it twice as effective as the sniper (20 DPS) for instance, but way less than the crook boss (150). But with the chained attacks, a maximum DPS of 320 puts it into the higher ranks of damage dealers!

The ability to slow and stun enemies temporarily allows for your other towers more time to deal damage too. This increases the damage effectiveness even more.

Cost effective

The initial placement cost of the electroshocker is $725. Not the most expensive tower in the game by a long shot, but this is still more expensive than other towers. It also means you won't be able to place the electroshocker at the start of a new game of Tower Defense Simulator. 

That being said: its long-term value is amazing. The combination of chained damage dealer, ability to hit flying targets and stun zombies temporarily makes the upgrade costs worth it.

Versatile usage

It has already been mentioned, but the electroshocker tower has a versatile usage

  • Damage: even though the DPS against a single target isn't really high, the damage the electroshocker does against groups is incredibly helpful in defeating hordes of enemies;
  • Stun effect: being able to stun enemies is amazing, as it will keep zombies in range of other towers for longer so they can do more damage;
  • Flying enemies: the electroshocker can spot flying enemies and both damage and stun them. 

The Bad

All of the above makes the electroshocker look like a great tower. It's not all golden though. 

Limited range

When placing an electroshocker tower, the range starts at 7.5. That is a low range. Fully upgraded, the range has increased to 14, which isn't too bad. But it is still a low range compared to other towers. 

The ability to stun enemies will keep those in range for a while longer though. So maybe the limited range isn't that terrible, but still. 

Unreliable stun

That stun effect is great, but it doesn't always work. Some enemies are resistant to stun.

Most higher health enemies and bosses are able to resist the stun effect, making the electroshocker pretty useless against those enemies. Especially because those units are often left on their own, at which point the low DPS against single targets will really take it's toll. 

They will still prove their worth with the damage they do and flying detection, but stunning is out of the question. 

No hidden detection

Possibly the worst part of the electroshocker is its inability to detect hidden enemies

You want as many units to be able to counter hidden enemies as possible. Especially because the tower does damage to multiple zombies and can slow them at the same time, the lack of hidden detection is a massive downer.

High placement cost

Even though we already specified cost effectiveness as a good thing, the higher placement cost of $725 can be a downside. Especially early game.

A maxed out electroshocker will cost you $23,625. That is on par with for instance the Crook boss. But for a single tower which doesn't even perform consistently against all enemies, it really depends on your play style to know whether it's worth it. 


The reasons for me to buy the electroshocker, was to win a game on Fallen mode while playing solo

It didn't help me. While I did get to higher rounds when using the electroshocker, I still wasn't able to defeat the Fallen boss.

There is another question though: Is the electroshocker a good investment?

The answer is: yes, but it depends.

It's main strength lies in targeting groups of enemies

The main weaknesses are lack of hidden detection and low DPS against single enemies

The electroshocker really does have its use cases and can be a great addition to your defending army. Especially when playing together with other Roblox players, you can get a lot of worth of the electroshocker. 

In solo mode, other towers could be more effective to use in your set up. But then again, if you can solo fallen, you probably don't need this post to help you decide. 😉