Only a handful of Roman temples have survived to this day. But there are enough sources to determine that religion, and especially being in the good graces of the Gods, played an important part of Roman life.
In Citadelum, there are 6 Gods. Each of them have their own field of interest.
Gods in Citadelum
The 6 Gods in Citadelum are (in alphabetical order) Apollo, Ceres, Jupiter, Mars, Minerva and Pluto.
Apollo was the Roman god of a fair few things actually, including the sun, healing and arts. Minerva was a Goddess of arts, but also of crafts, wisdom and warfare.
She shared that last role with Mars, the god of war and violence. Which must have been a good friend of Pluto, the god of the underworld and the dead.
Ceres was the goddess of agriculture and harvest. The protector of Rome and the Roman people, Jupiter, was seen as the King of the Gods.
Back in the day, the Romans believed that the gods were powerful beings. Gods were said to be able to both bless the worthy as well as punish humans neglecting their religious duties.
Blessings and Punishments
According to the citizens of the Roman Empire, you should really honour the gods through rituals, sacrifices and festivals. This would make the gods happy, which in turn would make them bless you with good health, prosperity or whatever you required at that time.
Now, if you neglected or worse, offended the gods, you'd be in for some hard times. The gods would punish you with illness, a loss of status or other negative things in your life.
In Citadelum, each of the 6 gods have their own blessing and punishments, related to their field of god-being.
God | Blessing | Punishment |
Apollo | Fills up the food reserves of 5 random houses. | Removes all resources from houses. Also destroys aqueducts if he has to walk through them. |
Ceres | Fills up the internal storage of 5 farms. | Destroys farms. |
Jupiter | Makes citizens in random houses happy. | Destroys service buildings, like tavern, bath, tax office and engineers' post. |
Mars |
Trains random amounts of soldiers from available active buildings. |
Destroys soldier training buildings. |
Minerva | Fills up the internal storage of basic production buildings like logging camp and iron mine. | Destroys basic production buildings. |
Pluto |
Grants 1500 Denarii, fills the internal storage of wineries. |
Destroys wineries. |
How to gain favour and avoid punishment
Especially Mars is a great god to keep happy, as he'll provide you with free soldiers if you get to invoke his blessing.
Ceres is a particularly nasty god to watch out for, as she destroys farms. This could interrupt your food supply.
To make and keep the gods happy, you will have to build enough temples. The amount of temples you need depends on your prestige level. If you want to know for sure, read this guide on temples in Citadelum.
With the temples built, make sure you celebrate religious festivals. To do this, select a temple and click on the small or large festival button.
If the gods are getting angry, sacrificing pigs or even citizens is a quick way to avoid punishment. For sacrificing pigs, there is no negative side effect.
Just keep in mind: sacrificing Plebeians will cut into your available workforce, while sacrificing Patricians will immediately lower your tax income. Not sure if you'd want that...