In this article

In level 3 of Nomori, SlimeBun, we learned how to use telekinesis. This neat technique will be of hardly any use in this level. 

In level 4, Recursion, we'll get to talk to our first NPC and be challenged with a bit more portals than we've seen so far. 

Big Cat

The first think we'll do once we start the level, is to walk straight ahead. The bridge ahead is unfinished, but that is where we need to go. 

Luckily, there is a building with portals to the left, so that's where we'll go. 

Right from the start of Recursion, you can see where you are headed to finish this level. Shame the bridge is broken though...
Right from the start of Recursion, you can see where you are headed to finish this level. Shame the bridge is broken though...

Turn left and cross the bridge. Take a right across the bridge, then left once you get to the building.

You'll see an echo stone on the wall. We can't activate it, as echo stones trigger on walking over them.

Instead, head through the portal to your left. 

At the other side, head right, right and jump of the ledge. Activate the echo stone and walk right towards the big cat. An exclamation mark indicates that it wants to be stroked talked to. Technically you don't have to, but why not? How often do you get a chance to talk to a giant cat?

It will tell you what we already know: heading through a portal will shift your perspective by 90 degrees

Are you stuck? Maybe one of these walkthroughs on other Nomori levels will help you!
  1. Portals
  2. Gate
  3. SlimeBun
  4. Recursion
  5. Slime Bun Size
  6. Perspective
  7. Slimebun Anchor

Portal magic

Once the cat finishes talking, continue down the path. Head up 2 flights of stairs. You will see a coloured wall, which needs to be your floor for you to walk over it.

If you look to your left, you will see a portal. It will show you the same coloured stretch of wall, but shifted 90 degrees. It's on the floor! You'll even see where you will walk out, shown by the colours on the floor. If you walk through this portal, you will exit somewhere where the floor is pink. Which means you will exit out of the portal which is now behind you!

To continue, walk through the portal. Just continue on the path and enter the portal on the far end. 

Again, continue over the wooden bridge until it stops. Turn right, walk across the beam, then left towards the other beam.

It might not seem like it, but you can actually squeeze through the little hole in the wooden panels. This will put you in front of the portal once again. 

A little whole in the panel wall in Nomori. You can walk through to reach the portal behind it.
A little whole in the panel wall in Nomori. You can walk through to reach the portal behind it.

Go through the portal. Turn left, then cross the bridge and go to the echo stone. 

If you now look to the right, you will see the unfinished bridge and your starting point across the divide. This makes sense, as you went through a portal 4 times. Each time you did so, your perspective turned by 90 degrees, which is a quarter of a full circle. So by stepping through a portal 4 times, you will have turned 360 degrees: a full circle! Which makes your bottom the same as when you started out. 

Take a moment to grasp this concept, as it is very important to know in Nomori: Stepping through a portal 4 times will make you turn a full circle.

Got it? Nice!

Turn left and spawn a slimebun. Grab it and use telekinesis to move it a short distance towards the portal. The pull of the goo'd up portal will do the rest, allowing you to jump through

This is the end of level 4 and you will be transported to the start of level 5: Slime Bun Size!