In this article
At its release, Citadelum offers you a story based campaign including 10 missions.
The 10 missions increase in difficulty as you get further into the story. The first 2 missions serve as a tutorial, adding gameplay elements as you play.
The Rise of the Roman Empire
In this story, you are a trusted helper of Gaius Octavius, the adopted son of one of the world's first renowned leaders: Caesar. In a span of 10 years, you are tasked to found 10 settlements all over southern Europe and north Africa.
With these settlements, you will assist Gaius Octavius in his rise to ultimately becoming the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. You will do this by defeating enemies, providing supplies and spreading the prestige and wealth of the mighty Roman Empire.
Here is a list of all the missions in The Rise of the Roman Empire campaign in Citadelum.
I. From the ashes
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Perusia, 40 BC. A period of civil war is sparked by the assassination of Julius Caesar, on the ides of March 44 BC, at the hands of a group of senators. Gaius Octavius, Caesar's adopted son, returns to Rome to take revenge on the aggressors, and confronts Lucius Antonius, brother of Marcus Antonius, in the city of Perusia. After besieging the city, he orders it to be destroyed in retaliation against the traitors. It is your mission to move there together with a group of colonists and start the construction of a new city under the name of Augusta Perusia.
- Reach a population of 35 Plebeians
- Create 1 trade route
- Send 75 Marble to Rome
In short
- Difficulty: Easy
- Region map: Small
- Trading routes: 1
- Initial resources: 30.000 Denarii, 1200 wood, 900 stone
- Enemy presence: none
Key elements
This is really an introduction to Citadelum. It will teach you the basic gameplay elements using tutorials at every step of the game.
II. We gather strength as we go
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
A large contingent of Marcus Antonius' troops has gathered around Brundisium in the south of the Italic peninsula and threatens to take the port. Thus, Gaius Octavius is forced to send his armies, requiring a significant economic effort, which has repercussions on all his territories. However, the confrontation does not take place, and both leaders reach a tenuous truce. It is your task to establish the camp of Gaius Octavius next to the city of Ad Speluncas, north of Brundisium, and to prepare yourself for the possible attack of rebel legions that ignore the peace that has just been signed.
- Reach a population of 80 Plebeians
- Reach a population of 20 Patricians
- Buy 150 Silk using a trade route
- Send 150 Silk to Rome
In short
- Difficulty: Easy
- Region map: Medium
- Trading routes: 3
- Initial resources: 30.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 350 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 2 armies (battles required)
Key elements
The second mission of this 2 part tutorial for Citadelum will add some new elements. Namely: fighting. It is not too challenging, as one can expect from a tutorial mission.
III. Make haste slowly
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Rhegium, 36 BC. After reaching peace with Marcus Antonius by the treaty of Brundisium, Gaius Octavius turned his attention to Sicily. The island had been occupied by Sextus Pompeius, who had rebelled against the triumvirate along with a group of senators, equites and slaves.
After suffering two severe naval defeats in 38 BC, Octavius has requested the support of Marcus Antonius' fleet and is preparing to invade the island. Your orders are to gather equipment and building materials to prepare the offensive from Rhegium.
- Reach prestige level 4 in your city
- Produce 25 Armour
- Discover 2 cities
- Win 1 battle
In short
- Difficulty: Easy
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 8
- Initial resources: 25.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 4 armies (battles required)
Key elements
The map has a bit of a weird shape, which makes planning a city a little treacherous. Regardless, this mission revolves around exploring the region map and fighting some battles against stronger armies than you faced in the last mission.
IV. Prepare for war
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Antiphrai, 34 BC. After the defeat of Sextus Pompeius in Sicily, Gaius Octavius has returned to Rome in triumph. For his part, Marcus Antonius has been appointed king of Egypt in Alexandria and has divided the former Roman provinces among the sons of Cleopatra.
Gaius Octavius has felt threatened by this maneuver and orders you to deploy an outpost in North Africa, while he turns public opinion against Cleopatra. Your mission may establish a turning point in the rivalry between Octavius and Marcus Antonius.
- Upgrade 5 plebeians' houses to level 3
- Produce 100 Pigs
- Send 400 Wine to Rome
- Send 350 Pork steak to Rome
In short
- Difficulty: Easy
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 7
- Initial resources: 25.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1400 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 5 armies (battles optional)
Key elements
This mission will set you firmly in command of your legion. You don't have to fight all armies on the map, but you will have to train a decent size army.
Aside from that, the objectives should be fairly easy to get. Upgrading plebeians' houses is always a good idea. So is producing wine. 😉 The pigs will be produced in a couple of days, so will the steaks.
V. Amid arms
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Cyrene, 31 BC. Gaius Octavius is determined to put an end to the threat of Marcus Antonius once and for all. Their armies have clashed in the naval battle of Actium in Greece, from which Octavius has emerged victorious. Finally Octavius prepares to enter Alexandria. But first, he orders you to set up a camp to serve as a liaison point with the forces of Cornelius Gallus, which have been deployed around Cyrene.
- Reach prestige level 7 in your city
- Send 3000 Wheat to Rome
- Train 2 Explorers
- Discover 4 cities
In short
- Difficulty: Normal
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 7
- Initial resources: 25.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 4 armies (battles optional)
Key elements
This mission is similar to Prepare for war. The good news is: less enemy armies!
Even better: you don't actually have to fight in this campaign level. You can get by just exploring the whole map and discover cities.
However, you do need to defend yourself. So even if you don't have to gather a massive legion, you will need to have a fair few guards spread around your city.
VI. Holding a wolf by its ears
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Alexandria, 30 BC. Octavius' military force has penetrated into the suburbs of Alexandria. At dawn on the first of August, Marcus Antonius marched his army to the outskirts of the city and placed it on high ground, but was defeated and took refuge back in the city. You have been assigned the mission of founding a settlement around Alexandria to supply Octavius' troops and help them complete the siege.
- Upgrade 5 plebeians' houses to level 4
- Sell 500 Fish through trade routes
- Send 25000 Denarii to Rome
- Discover 4 relics
In short
- Difficulty: Normal
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 15
- Initial resources: 20.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 11 armies (battles optional)
Key elements
As with the previous level, Amid Arms, fighting isn't necessary in this level. However, you should build enough guard posts and watchtowers, as enemy armies will attack your city every chance they get.
Apart from that, getting 20.000 Denarii together is easy enough once you hit Patricians levels 4 or higher. Plebeian houses should be upgraded anyway to house more workers.
The relics are spread out over the map. Read our walkthrough to see which regions hold the relics, where to sell fish and where to find enemy armies. If you avoid those, you don't even need to train explorers, just guards.
VII. Bull skin
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Asturica, 29 BC. With the civil war over, Octavius looks to Hispania, where the Cantabrian and Asturian tribes have rebelled. To ensure his dominion, he needs to establish camps for his legions, so Rome orders you to prepare the arrival of new troops with a camp that serves to monitor the movements of the enemies.
- Reach Prestige Level 8 in your city
- Upgrade 5 plebeians' houses to level 6
- Produce 250 Wooden planks
- Send 200 Furniture to Rome
In short
- Difficulty: Hard
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 12
- Initial resources: 20.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 12 armies (battles optional)
Key elements
Straight from the start, you are facing a 30% enemy raid risk. The enemy has an army of 56 infantry with a centurion right at your doorstep. That means regardless of whether you are ready for it, you will face some kind of attack within the first couple of days.
Don't worry, even if you don't have any defensive units, the enemy will leave after destroying some of your buildings.
The biggest challenge in Bull Skin is probably to get the required amount of furniture to send to Rome. Even though 200 doesn't seem like a lot. At some point, the consumption is so high that you need 8 furniture workshops just to get a surplus production.
VIII. The fates will find a way
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Segisama, 26 BC. The senate of Rome appointed Octavius emperor in 27 BC. A year later, the emperor himself opened the gates of the temple of Janus as a symbol of the state of war. Now Augustus prepares to enter Hispania with his troops. But first, he needs an advance guard; the emperor asks you to establish his base of operations in Segisama so that it becomes the center of operations from which to put an end to the revolts of the northern peoples.
- Reach prestige level 9 in your city
- Reach a population of 80 Patricians
- Discover 6 cities
- Send 750 Olive oil to Rome
In short
- Difficulty: Hard
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 13
- Initial resources: 15.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 10 armies (battles required)
Key elements
A quiet start this time around, which is great. Especially since we start 5.000 Denarii short of the amount we've grown used to receive from our dearest emperor.
One of the objectives is to send 750 Olive oil to Rome. That means you'll have to rely on trade to get enough stock.
Prestige level 9 is the highest goal to reach so far. You'll need 400 Plebeians and 180 Patricians to reach that Prestige Level.
The main challenge in this mission is the sheer size of the map. If you don't take the right route, you'll be searching for Vindeleia (best city for Olive oil) forever.
IX. It has to come down to the last reserve
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Aracillum, 25 BC. The Cantabrian tribes have retreated before the passage of the Roman legions and have prepared to resist in a fortified camp at the top of a mountain range. Emperor Caesar Augustus knows that victory is within his reach, and orders you to build a settlement nearby, at the foot of the mountains, from which to contain the enemies until reinforcements arrive by sea from Aquitaine.
- Upgrade 10 plebeians' houses to level 6
- Send 25.000 Denarii to Rome
- Build 1 Circus Maximum
- Sell 400 Gladii through trade routes
In short
- Difficulty: Hard
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 13
- Initial resources: 15.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 13 armies (battles required)
Key elements
A similar start as in the last mission: 15.000 Denarii and no enemies in sight. Victoriacum is in range, offering you a trade route from the get go.
Still, to sell the gladii (gladius is just 1 sword, gladii is plural), you will need to explore the map. With the amount of enemy legions roaming the map, you'll do well to train your own legions.
X. The play is over
We've also got a full walkthrough of this mission.
Roma, 25 BC. Caesar Augustus returned to Rome in 24 B.C. and ended the campaign in Hispania. A year later, when he is ill, he is informed of a conspiracy that tries to end his mandate. Augustus places his trust in you, and orders you to establish a settlement next to Rome that will serve to eliminate the last traces of the rebellion.
- Reach prestige level 10 in your city
- Upgrade 10 patricians' houses to level 6
- Train 100 soldiers
- Send 400 spices to Rome
In short
- Difficulty: Hard
- Region map: Big
- Trading routes: 13
- Initial resources: 10.000 Denarii, 1400 wood, 1100 stone, 200 wooden planks, 200 stone bricks
- Enemy presence: 17 armies (battles required)
Key elements
This final map in the campaign will put you to the test. With only 10.000 Denarii to start, you will most certainly run into financial trouble sooner rather than later. That, and the 17 enemy armies spread out over the map, will press you to do better than you did in the last 9 missions.
What's next?
Did you finish the campaign? Well done!
There are a few next steps you can take.
You could replay all missions, trying other strategies, improve your battle techniques or build grander cities.
Citadelum also offers a Sandbox mode for missions you have already finished. This allows you to replay the missions, but with different objectives, starting points, enemies etc.
Lastly, there might not be much of it right after the release of Citadelum on Steam, but there will be Community generated missions and campaigns available. Browse through the available missions on Steam and try your hand at one of the missions carefully created and provided to you by the community!