In this article

In this eight mission of The Rise of the Roman Empire campaign, The Fates will find a way, you will have to fight your way to victory.

It is not one of the objectives to fight battles, but you will need to trade for olive oil and discover 6 cities. Neither of those can be done without running into enemy armies. 


Segisama, 26 BC. The senate of Rome appointed Octavius emperor in 27 BC. A year later, the emperor himself opened the gates of the temple of Janus as a symbol of the state of war. Now Augustus prepares to enter Hispania with his troops. But first, he needs an advance guard; the emperor asks you to establish his base of operations in Segisama so that it becomes the center of operations from which to put an end to the revolts of the northern peoples.  


  • Reach prestige level 9 in your city
  • Reach a population of 80 Patricians
  • Discover 6 cities
  • Send 750 Olive oil to Rome

In short

  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Region map: Big
  • Trading routes: 13
  • Initial resources:
    • 15.000 Denarii
    • 1400 wood
    • 1100 stone
    • 200 wooden planks
    • 200 stone bricks
  • Enemy presence: 10 armies
  • Fighting required: No (even though the description says Yes)


When starting the mission The Fates will find a way in Citadelum, you'll immediately face a challenge: only 15.000 Denarii. Are you ready?

Basic city layout

The good thing about this map, is the space available for you to build a city. If you're looking to beauty build, there is a pretty outcrop of land to the north west of the map. Or build around the lake in the south. It's up to you. 

For Prestige Level 9 you're going to need 250 Plebeians and 130 Patricians. As with all the levels so far, 8 houses for each will be enough if you decide to level up the houses.

Basic City Layout in Citadelum

Citadelum is a city builder set in Roman times. The main focus, especially at every game you start, is to build up the city.

Aside from maybe a challenge in finding the right space, your start will almost always be the same. You should really pause the game and build:

  • Market
  • 8 Plebeian houses
  • Reservoir + aqueduct
  • Logging camp, iron mine, stone quarry, warehouse
  • Wheat farm, granary
  • Engineers' post and fire station covering everything

Once you've built all of this, unpause the game and watch as Plebeians move in to your city and start working the jobs you are offering.

There is nothing specific to this level regarding the building order. Just make sure you keep an eye on the consumption of food once you start to level up your Plebeians and Patricians. Especially cabbage and melon as you upgrade Plebeians.

The city of Brauon can be discovered early on and without running into an enemy army. Just go south 3 times from your city. They will buy 180 wooden planks at 6 Denarii, bringing in some much needed cash. 

From Brauon, continue west and west to find Autraka. This city is also a great trading partner, buying 120 stone bricks and 325 wheat at 7 and 3 Denarii a piece, bringing your potential export revenue up to 2895 Denarii per day

Prestige Level 5 & 6 

The main focus once you reach Prestige Level 5 is to keep your Patricians happy and level them up.

You will need to provide in all of their needs, so they will pay you the most taxes. As your starting cash was really low, making money by taxing Patricians is essential. Also, levelling them up means allowing more Patricians to move in, making the population objective easily reached. ✅

Build up your weapon production by building the necessary buildings

  • Iron mine
  • Swordsmith
  • Shield workshop
  • Bow workshop
  • Armoury

These buildings will create the necessary weapons to train Guards. Once you start exploring, you will most definitely run into enemy armies, which will attract raids.

Protecting your city with walls and watchtowers is essential in this mission.
Protecting your city with walls and watchtowers is essential in this mission.

Make sure you have enough production of stone bricks and wooden planks to allow for walls and watchtowers to be built. Also build Recruits' barracks and a Guard training building and start training guards

Either by selecting every watchtower or by using the Jobs tab in the Management overview, assign the maximum number of guards to your watchtowers. Then train enough guards to man them all. 

Prestige Level 7, 8 & 9

With your city protected by guards and your income secured by Patricians, it's time to start working towards the final objective: importing olive oil so you can prove to our dear Emperor that you have set up the advanced base of operations and have explored the surrounding area. 

In this mission, 3 cities actually sell olive oil. They are:

  • Vindeleia, selling 250 olive oil per day at 7 Denarii per unit
  • Novo Augusta, selling 280 units of olive oil per day at 10 Denarii
  • Pisoraca, selling a daily surplus of 250 olive oil for 11 Denarii a piece

Financially, Vindeleia is the most attractive. However, if you've managed the previous step well, those few Denarii difference don't bother you at all.

Pisoraca is the closest city selling olive oil by distance. To reach it, from your city go south, south, west, north, west. Start the import for olive oil and send it to Rome when you can. ✅

Now, if you've kept up with your city, you will have probably reached Prestige Level 9 somewhere along the way. ✅ 250 Plebeians and 130 Patricians means you will have to build decent production districts to keep up with all of their requirements.

As you may have noticed, at some point your Plebeian growth will stagnate if you don't provide them with enough jobs. To remedy this, assign the maximum amount of workers to all buildings you can. Especially fire stations, engineers' buildings, markets and tax offices are often overlooked. Sure, it will cost 20 Denarii per day for each extra worker assigned, but the amount of taxes coming in from the Patricians should easily cover those expenses. 

Once you have ticked off the objectives for Patricians, olive oil and Prestige Level, it's time to start exploring. There are 13 cities in total on this map, discovering 6 of them is all you need.

You can discover the necessary 6 cities without having to fight an enemy legion. However, you will bump into at least 3 legions on the way, so be sure to have your city defended. Or be quick enough not to trigger a raid. 

A map of local regions with 6 discovered cities in mission 8 'The fates will find a way'
A map of local regions with 6 discovered cities in mission 8 'The fates will find a way'

The above map shows 6 cities near you. There are Brauon, Autraka and Pisoraca which you have already discovered earlier in the game.

The other three are:

  • Iuliobriga, go east > north from your city
  • Segontia Paramika, go east > east > north-east from your city
  • Tritium, go south > south > east > east from your city

With these three cities found, you don't even have to defeat the legions guarding them. Just knowing where they are is enough to tick the box for the 'discover the 6 cities' objective. ✅ Mind you, this might be classified as a bug and change in a later version of the game. But in version, you're in luck. 

Ave Caesar and onto number 9!

Continue after finishing the objectives

This choice is yours. If you want to expand your empire, here are some pointers:

  • There are 10 enemy legions on this map. You don't need to fight them all, but you will run into some while discovering cities.
  • The cities of Tritium (east), Segontia Paramika (north-east) and Iuliobriga (north) are guarded by an army. So are the regions south and north-east of Pisoraca. 
  • Further afield are some more cities, armies and relics to discover.

Region map

This is the full region map of mission 8, The Fates will find a way, in Citadelum.

The full region map of The fates will find a way.
The full region map of The Fates will find a way, the eight mission in the Citadelum campaign.